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Advanced Longsword: Form and Function (ebook)

Advanced Longsword: Form and Function (ebook)

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This book builds on the foundation laid in The Medieval Longsword, and teaches you how to train Fiore dei Liberi’s Art of Arms, as shown in his 1410 manuscript ll Fior di Battaglia. In it I explain three of the longsword forms that are used every day in The School of European Swordsmanship:

The Cutting Drill
The Farfalla di Ferro
The Longsword Syllabus Form

Each form is explained step by step and application by application, with abundant photographs and images from Fiore’s manuscript. I take you through each step first as a pair drill, then as part of the form, then as a starting point for further training, or for further research into Il Fior di Battaglia.

Within these pages, you will find in-depth instructions and analysis, dozens of tips for how to improve your skills, and enough material for years of study.

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Difficulty Level

  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

Which Weapon?

  • Longsword

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